Rotokawa Geothermal Field


At the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, the integration of microearthquake (MEQ) data into a space and time visualization of geoscience data has helped identify and constrain important elements of the reservoir model, including a major structure that likely influences reservoir fluid flow. MEQ monitoring began when injection moved to deeper wells in 2006, and an 8-10 seismometer array has been operating continuously since mid-2008.

Rotokawa Geothermal Field (Recent)


Recent Rotokawa Geothermal Field case histories illustrate the value of combined interpretation of natural state temperature, MT-TEM resistivity, geology and hydrothermal alteration for building conceptual understanding at the development stage of a geothermal reservoir. About 160 MW of generation is currently operated at Rotokawa by Rotokawa Joint Venture, a partnership between Mighty River Power and Tauhara North No. 2 Trust.